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Sep 16, 2015 5:23 AM

Sep 2013
I really hope Nagisa isn't going to die, he was the whole reason I kept watching this show, and the fact that I want to know why Iris valued Mizuki so much.

Now a question to you, if the director went the other way with the romance and paired Nagisa with Iris, would you feel like it's forced?
Sep 16, 2015 5:30 AM

Feb 2008
Managing warehouses must be really dreadful, eh, Yuuji?
Sep 17, 2015 3:50 PM

Sep 2012

And I love the bonding between "Nagisa" and Kaito. It's really nice.

That cliffhanger was killer though. Reminds me of the end of DRRR!x2 Shou.

"It's a conversation through instruments. A miracle that creates harmony. In that moment, music transcends words." - Miyazono Kaori
"Laziness is the mother of all bad habits. But ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her." - Nara Shikamaru
"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things... Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest." - Orihara Izaya
Sep 18, 2015 3:58 PM
Sep 2013
Damn, a lot happened in just one episode.

Nagisa x Mizuki was obvious from episode 1 (yes, before the two even met each other cuz Mizuki was obviously the main chick), with Iris as the possible 3rd wheel. If that didn't happen than Iris x Mizuki lesbian would had been the next most likely.

If Iris had her memories, she would had had the advantage due to their history, as it meant she might had done more to interact with Nagisa than just standing around, being the token stoic chick, and crashing billion dollar ships.
Sep 21, 2015 3:43 AM

May 2008
Everything is wrong with the pacing in this show, holy shit.

First it's about students wasting/being selfish with money, then it's politics and now it's unnecessary romance, identity switches and a revenge plot. All in 11 episodes! Good lord.

The whole thing with Iris and Nagisa seems like such an afterthought to me. The only hint at all is Iris's amnesia, but for some reason it felt like a shoe-horn even with that. They just introduced it way too late in the series. It should also be, y'know, kind of a lot more important, but it doesn't seem as though they'll really explore the consequences of it.

Not to mention that there's absolutely no reason for Nagisa/Mizuki, wtf. He straight up betrayed all of them and was, quite frankly, a dick, but she's somehow okay with that. Even though he's responsible for A-TEC dissolving. But I guess it doesn't matter because he's a poor tortured soul, or something.

They also wasted way too much time on the politics. I get that it was setup, but since all the politicians are disposable in the end, they could've made it shorter. And instead used the time to focus on characters who actually matter. Like Hanako (;_;).
Sep 21, 2015 3:54 AM

Jun 2015
The series has lost it for me.
Though liked the way kazuhisa handled thing like a boss.
Sep 21, 2015 5:28 PM

Feb 2010
Whoaaaa, never expected this anime to be this bold.
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

Sep 25, 2015 3:00 AM

Apr 2010
Ok, after the last boring episode this was actually so much better. :)
Sep 28, 2015 5:38 AM

Jun 2009
I did not expect the kiss. At all. But I'm so happy it happened omG.
Other than that, fuck you Yuji.

Oct 2, 2015 3:15 AM

Jul 2012
Somewhat of a slow episode, but I'm glad they finally explained the "twist".

i ship it

Oct 3, 2015 2:24 AM

Jun 2013
ElectricRed said:
Tokoya said:
>Gave the cold shoulder to almost everyone yet he always let his guard down around Mizuki because she is the only one that actually understands him and sees through him very easily

>Spent the most time with her (and Iris) out of everyone in A-TEC save for Sera....Dude bonded with her, she helped him out when he really needed it, he saw her naked and even made a date with her at one point

>Guy's entire plans to not only overthrow his brothers but to avenge the Shinomiya's whom he's devoted his life to as well as his childhood friend Iris and last but not least, to save A-TEC (A group of individuals that he's gradually learned to call his family/friends as well as his crush and rival) all goes down the drain

>Gets betrayed by everyone who he thought was on his side, finds out that everything he did until now was a complete and utter waste of time considering that his secret was known by his older brother from the get go and for the first time since he began to rise, suffered TOTAL DEFEAT

Yup, that kiss and emotional breakdown totally came out of nowhere derp

I agree with you 210% on all points

On a sidenote: Why is this anime listed as a 6.5? It should be higher like around 7.75 to an 8

No, the rating is perfect. If anything, it should be lower considering how much time they wasted on BULLSHIT filler episodes that leaned towards more on fanservice and crappy dialogue.

The kiss was super MEH. Every-fucking-body knows that Mizuki and fake Nagisa-kun were going to fuck at some point.

I feel sorry for Iris. She's the only interesting person in this show and the reason why I'm putting up with this shitty series.
Oct 18, 2015 12:56 PM

Jan 2011
42/☆彡 sugoi best episode.
Go go power ra— Iris.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Oct 19, 2015 10:27 AM

Sep 2013
Poor real nagisa :'(
Don' me she also has feeling for fake nagisa? :(

That punch XD

That stabbing was MEH :(
Nov 3, 2015 4:02 PM

May 2012
Not too bad, that kiss scene and ending were pretty neat!
Nov 24, 2015 7:58 PM

Apr 2013
And we give shows like Ore Monogatari higher ratings.

Yup. MAL autism confirmed.

iSheepNov 24, 2015 8:01 PM
Just need to find out how to quote this every time so I can dodge the stupid 30-character limit.
Dec 18, 2015 7:09 AM

Nov 2011
Interesting episode from the beginning to the end, the reasons are varied, starting with the revelations to burning hair and ending with the final twist, but surprises are not limited to these, drawings and animations of quality, who knows how will end the anime series.
Apr 11, 2016 12:14 PM

Jan 2016
I support the ship but I personally don't like how the scene was done. It felt like "Fake Nagisa" suddenly had a dramatic change in character. I'm fine with his character changing in this scene but it changed a bit too much if you know what I mean. Hard to explain lol, just seems weird how different he acts, almost as if he is another person. Also I honestly have to agree that the kiss was random and their relationship felt rushed.

Either way, I do like the Mizuki/Nagisa thing. Does anyone know if there will be a second season?
I don't mind buffering

I don't mind ads

but when ads buffer, I suffer
Apr 11, 2016 12:22 PM

Jan 2016
Bibimbapski said:
No, the rating is perfect. If anything, it should be lower considering how much time they wasted on BULLSHIT filler episodes that leaned towards more on fanservice and crappy dialogue.

The kiss was super MEH. Every-fucking-body knows that Mizuki and fake Nagisa-kun were going to fuck at some point.

I feel sorry for Iris. She's the only interesting person in this show and the reason why I'm putting up with this shitty series.

Agreed, the kiss felt random and rushed. The first half was really slow paced. I'm fine with Mizuki/Nagisa, but it should have been done better imo. Also like all of the class was ignored lol. They were just there for the sake of being there. Would have liked it if we got to know more about their backstories.

I gave this series a 6/10, if a second season comes out I will probably watch it though.
I don't mind buffering

I don't mind ads

but when ads buffer, I suffer
May 1, 2016 9:52 PM
May 2015
Oh My God They Kissed!!! xD

Oh My God he got stabbed!!!! :o

Oh my God I think I am having a hard attack right now!!! *gets extreme nose bleed*
Jun 28, 2016 8:31 AM
Jun 2015
J4sm1n4 said:
It sucks! Mizuki sucks! she is the worst character imo! Iris is sooo much better! Why bother with an interesting plot twist between Iris and Nagisa if the end result is Mizuki x Nagisa? Seriously? WHAT THE HELL! Is this somekind of joke? I hope something happens and Iris ends up with Nagisa.... but that is not going to happen... is it?? either way Iris x Nagisa 4EVER!
i feel you
i was kind of sad when they kissed
i simply love iris.
Sep 12, 2017 5:26 PM

Dec 2012
Nagisa in the dark. lol
Metal Gear!
Kazuhisa dropping that bomb on Nagisa. He's a stand-in.
He doesn't either blood in his body.
Dat hug.
Dat run.
WTF! They're kissing.
Stop making his face dirtier.
YO!!! WTF! The kissing isn't over.
YES! Dat punch! You don't kiss the imouto period and get away with it.
Dat stab!
It was Yuji. Scum.

I was not expecting the imouto to be like that. Appearances can be deceiving.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Sep 24, 2017 12:13 AM

Nov 2009
I dislike that plot twist (the stand-in plot twist). I disliked Iris since the first episode where she went and nonchalantly crashed a plane worth tens of billions. The dumbest in class, unhealthily clingy, supposed to be a great pilot? But what I see is her crashing every craft she's entrusted with no fucks given about the huge money invested in them, the efforts of her comrades and their glimmer of hope. PTSD? Well, the stand-in Nagisa saw his grandfather killed in front of his eyes, and his life in the Kiryuu clan was living Hell, complete with mental and physical abuse, yet he's still fighting. Iris just comes off so worthless in comparison on every level that her suddenly being the master and him the servant feels innately wrong.

The stand-in Nagisa is a genius much more capable and suited to running a corporation than the real Nagisa could ever hope to be. In fact, she has shown nothing to suspect she might be anything more than a brainless needy muscle fool, retarded and with no common sense, capable of contributing the grand total of big fat zero to the family business. I suspect her mother wasn't much better either, otherwise she wouldn't have fallen for Kiryuu's advances (oh, and let me tell you, all other aspects aside, having an affair with a married man speaks nothing positive of her morals) and left such a mess behind, so the Shinamiya pretty much fell to ruin even before Iris/Nagisa was born, while the Kiryuu clan at least managed to produce a businessman of rare caliber in the face of Kazuhisa who, if he's not lying about his goals, actually gets shit done for the company survival without spouting lofty ideals backed up by literally nothing in the crisis where their main business is stalling and judges people based on ability only, without being prejudiced about their background.

Even if Iris comes out and proves she's the real Nagisa, all it would do is send down the drain everything the stand-in Nagisa worked his ass off his whole life, with nothing gained in return. It's just too painfully obvious who's better suited to run a business between the two clans.
CGSep 24, 2017 12:54 AM
Feb 4, 2019 12:04 PM

Aug 2009
See, THIS is what I'm talking about. This is a great fucking episode. Maruto Fumiaki really shined this episode; exceptional writing and hardly any filler BS and boring BISUNISU politics. I can almost forgive the mostly horrible first half of the show now.

This show had potential from the start, but was ruined by a stupid first arc and horrible padding throughout. Then "big" things started happening (only during BISUNISU meetings tho) but they still weren't very engaging. The show was constantly sitting on one good thing tho: interesting main characters (except Kaito) and not properly using them!!

Episode 11 almost made up for the clusterfuck that preceded this. I hope Maruto manages to end this show properly and I might rate it a 6 then.

5/5 for this ep tho
May 23, 2021 11:21 PM

Aug 2017
pretty bold of the CEO to just assume that Kaito would want to work on a military project, but him not knowing the real Nagisa survived will probably be a secret trap card for Kiryu Nagisa to use.

Tokoya said:
>Gave the cold shoulder to almost everyone yet he always let his guard down around Mizuki because she is the only one that actually understands him and sees through him very easily

>Spent the most time with her (and Iris) out of everyone in A-TEC save for Sera....Dude bonded with her, she helped him out when he really needed it, he saw her naked and even made a date with her at one point

Mizuki was just the only one that actually tried to be his friend at all, because being everyone's friend is her personality. they never made a date either; she told him to be somewhere, he said he wouldn't go, then she got sad when he didn't show up.

the romance could've made sense if they actually made an effort to focus on it more over a longer time, but what they did is rather unnecessary. there's so many shows/movies (anime or otherwise) that aren't about romance and just throw in a half-baked one because they think it'll make their story more interesting or whatever. imo it'd've made more sense for him to start returning Hattori's feelings.
Nov 10, 2021 1:52 PM

Jun 2020
You know what? Kazuhisa actually seems like a decent guy. He has a job to do and he does it, no moaning, no petty grudges, just business. Nagisa is just too blinded by rage to see it. He has a

I cringed when Irisu crashed the ship again. I wouldn't be quite so happy if I had spent months of my life pouring my life and soul into a project only for someone to trash the whole thing because they didn't deign to tell us that they might not be fit to fly and not even feel bad for it.

Zazie122 said:

The whole thing with Iris and Nagisa seems like such an afterthought to me. The only hint at all is Iris's amnesia, but for some reason it felt like a shoe-horn even with that. They just introduced it way too late in the series. It should also be, y'know, kind of a lot more important, but it doesn't seem as though they'll really explore the consequences of it.

Not to mention that there's absolutely no reason for Nagisa/Mizuki, wtf. He straight up betrayed all of them and was, quite frankly, a dick, but she's somehow okay with that. Even though he's responsible for A-TEC dissolving. But I guess it doesn't matter because he's a poor tortured soul, or something.

They also wasted way too much time on the politics. I get that it was setup, but since all the politicians are disposable in the end, they could've made it shorter. And instead used the time to focus on characters who actually matter. Like Hanako (;_;).

Yeah, this too. Mizuki is just so flat a character, the romance came out of nowhere. In a 13 episode show this plot heavy there ain't time for romance and an ensemble cast.
Old is Gold

"Look, look, we can do spinning shots without wasting our entire budget"
"Did you see? Look, it's all smooth and everything !"
"You're not looking, please, it's SO AWESOME LOOK AT HOW SPINNY IT IS!!!!"

- All anime animators since the invention of CGI.
Jun 9, 2022 7:43 PM

May 2018
Didn't expect that kind of ending, especially getting stabbed by a knife.
Mar 23, 2:52 AM
May 2017
What an unexpecting ending! Yuji came back, now it will not end well for anyone. If Nagisa dies then Kazuhisa loses an important director. Plus, considering Kaito isn't also going to negotiate either.
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